Daily Bulletin

Bearcat Daily Bulletin


TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2018 ~ Regular Day; Student Release 2:35pm




STUDENTS & PARENTS-  Final exams will take place on Thursday, December 20th for periods 1, 2 and 3, and Friday December 21st for periods 4, 6 and 7; both days student release is 12:00pm – please avoid removing students from school on these dates.   Any student absent on final exam days must take a make-up final exam on Wednesday, January 9th (for periods 1, 2 and 3) and/or Thursday, January 10th (for periods 4, 6 and 7).  These exams will take place in room P1 after school, or during period 7 for those with an open period,.  Final exams may not be taken before the December 20th date.


JUNIORS & PARENTS:  This Wednesday is the last day for juniors to register for the March S.A.T. exam to be held here on campus in March.  Juniors must complete the attached registration by December 12th; it must also be signed by the parent.   This is only available to current 11th grade students.  See attached flyer for additional details. 

9th-11th GRADE STUDENTS & PARENTS- Did you take the PSAT Exam in October? We will be hosting a PSAT Score Interpretation Night on Tuesday January 8th at 6:30pm in the Student Union. Students and parents are encouraged to come to this meeting to find out how you scored on this exam, in addition to receiving help on how you can improve your score for the real SAT Exam. Attendance is strongly encouraged for all students who took the exam this year.

JUNIORS & PARENTS-  Bonita High School will be administering only to juniors the S.A.T. exam with essay on campus on Wednesday, March 6th, 2019.  The school district will be picking up the cost of this examination.  Juniors who plan on attending a 4-year university are encouraged to take this examination – they must complete the attached registration by December 12th – must also be signed by the parent.   This is a one-time opportunity to take the S.A.T. exam at no cost to the student – this is only available current to 11th grade students.  See attached flyer for additional details. 




SENIOR PARENTS- Even though the final deadline for submitting your child’s yearbook dedication ad has passed, there is a VERY limited amount of ad space still available for late submissions. If you are still interested, don’t delay, submit your ad as soon as you can.  We don’t want you to miss out on this very special opportunity.  For more information, to get another copy of the order form or to submit your ad online, please visit www.TheYearbookCompany.comThe last day we will be able to accept late ads is December 17th or until the available space is filled. If you have already purchased a yearbook ad, thank you! Your student will be excited when she/he opens her/his yearbook.


JUNIOR PARENTS- Our plan is to again offer an on-campus Kaplan SAT Prep class, pending enrollment, starting in February on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.  The class will end the week before the on-campus SAT exam for juniors on March 6th.  Because there is a reduced cost to this class ($360), we will need 25 students to register – first priority is given to juniors.  Registration closes on January 22nd or when we reach the required number of 25 students – see attached flyer.


PARENTS- We do not accept drop off/forgotten items in the front office. If you need to get an item to your Student, please coordinate with your child to meet in the Office during break or lunch. We will not be able to make exceptions. We appreciate your understanding.




STUDENTS & PARENTS- Come support the PTSA this Thursday, December 13th at the La Verne Blaze Pizza. We are having a food-night fundraiser from 5pm-8pm. See you there. Flyer attached.


PARENTS- The PTSA is still selling personalized pavers. They make a great gift for grads. Thank you for your continued support of the PTSA. Flyer attached.




STUDENTS- After school tutoring is available Monday through Thursdays until 3:45 and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 6pm-7. For more information please see Mrs. O’Grady in the Career Center.


STUDENTS- Please see Mrs. O’Grady in the Career Center to pick up work permits, tutor applications and sign up for college presentations during intervention and lunch.







VARSITY/JV FOOTBALL- banquet will be Monday, January 7th, 6:30pm at Hillcrest.  Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased in the Finance Office.  Deadline to purchase tickets is December 20th.


FRESHMAN FOOTBALL- awards night will be Tuesday, December 18th in the Student Union at 6:30pm.


BONITA ONLINE STORE- Please visit https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/california/laverne/bonita-high-school  and order your custom gear!


Please refer to the Bonita High School athletic site for all Sports Schedules and Athletic updates: www.gobearcats.org.



Nancy Jensen

Principal’s Secretary

909-971-8220 ext. 2011
