"In the heart of the storm, no one escapes destiny." Bonita High School is proud to present The … [Read More...]

Prior to teaching at Bonita High School, Mr. Frederick ran several drama programs ranging from different high schools to non-profit work. Mr. Frederick has been a staff member at Bonita for eight years now, having taught all grade levels alongside the theatre department. Having built up state and national recognition for our theatre program through the school's theatre troupe (International Thespian Society, Chapter 2913), our department delivers high-quality productions which range from experimental theatre to the more traditional musical.
Mr. Frederick is a firm believer that all students should be participating in the Fine Arts, and that Theatre as a medium is particularly special because it can bring all aspects of the performing arts together (Choir, Dance, Band). Mr. Frederick is always finding new ways to bring in new mediums to collaborate with, such as: Drawing (Varying mediums), Painting, Illustration and Design, Digital Photography -- as most art classes you could think of, Theatre includes, or can include!
Mr. Frederick is currently teaching Sophomore English and multiple levels of Theatre, along with running two productions during the school year.
The best way to communicate with Mr. Frederick would be through email, m.frederick@bonita.k12.ca.us