Get ready, theater lovers! Bonita High School’s theater department is bringing the electrifying and … [Read More...]

Mark Cisneros is a Math Instructor at Bonita High School as well as a seasoned College Math Instructor at the Cal State and Community Colleges. He has acquired several degrees in various areas but his major emphasis was mathematics and acquired a Bachelor's in Applied Mathematics and a Master's of Mathematics. He has been the Club Adviser for the Audio Recording Club (ARC), the Comic Book Club, Dungeon and Dragons Club, and CTS (Clear The Shelters) over the years. He has taught various levels of Mathematics at the high school and college levels.
These are the main GOLDEN RULES and EXPECTATIONS for his classroom:
1) Talking stops at the door and students will be sitting at their desks with homework ready to be discussed and turned in for credit (there is Textbook HW help available for free for ALL textbook problems using the textbook HW help link found in CANVAS).
2) All cellphones are turned off and put away (use of cellphones is not permitted EXCEPT by permission of Mr. Cisneros for possible class activities (students will be informed when it will be appropriate) and DETENTIONS will be given for non-permitted cellphone activity in the classroom.
3) Personal opinions are encouraged BUT they will only be allowed/permitted outside of class UNLESS the instructor asks for them (topics/discussions must be relevant to the class so open forums are not permitted unless the instructor directs the class to start some discussions relevant to the day's lesson or upcoming lessons or for something beneficial to the class of students).
I look forward to working with everyone of you this year so let's make sure we create an atmosphere for the classroom that will be beneficial to EVERYONE in the class!!!
1) Step-by-step solutions for textbook problems can be found in CANVAS (see "Modules" then the "Help Resources")
2) HW problems are encouraged to be asked at the beginning of class (there will be a place on the class whiteboard for you to place those assigned problems for class discussion each following day).
3) There is after-school tutoring being offered here at the library.
4) YouTube is a GREAT tool for reviewing class math topics (old and new) when at home or away from school. Your teacher will be providing directions throughout the school year on how to use this great modern day education tool in order for you to increase your understanding of math topics from class and to learn about a cutting-edge help tool that you can take with you into the next class and beyond.
This will be a GREAT year and I look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you and I hope that I will have helped you to enjoy this area of mathematics as well as the class this year!!!
Mark Cisneros