Michael G and Vanessa D: November Leaders of the Month

Student Leaders of the Month

Michael G

Michael has been part of the Leadership Team for 3 years and he was in my APEX Biology class.  He is currently the Junior Class President.  Every day, for every event, Michael has always demonstrated servant leadership.  He is caring, articulate, and mature.  He puts the needs of others before his own and is always willing to help.  He makes a point of checking on my daily to see what he can do to make the day easier.  I appreciate Michael and am glad he is part of ASB.

Nominated by  Deanna Bowman

Vanessa D

Vanessa is part of ASB and she put together the videos for both the SmudgePot Rally and the Homecoming Rally.  She spent numerous hours organizing the shoots and then editing the video that was filmed.  This takes a lot of time to do and while she is part of ASB and she is supposed to work outside the school day for the school, I believe that she went above and beyond what was required of her.  She is an extremely hard worker who is dedicated to making Bonita High School the best it can possibly be. She continues to encourage everyone to get involved in something outside of the classroom.

Nominated by Kenny Ritchie