Activities: Leilah C.
This year, Leilah offered to volunteered to help in the Library at the counter and gives up her break, 5th period and lunch. She has never missed a day helping, and was there to help me through the long lines of checking out and exchanging textbooks to all the students since the school year began. She continues to check books in and out and assist with the Chromebook distribution in the library. This is my first year getting to know this student and she has impressed me tremendously with competence, dedication, great people skills and attention to detail. Additionally, due to her trustworthiness, I allowed her to help me in look up all the accounts for the students for the Library Dance Clearance Forms. This enabled me to get the forms passed onto the Administration Office very quickly, even though it was still a very busy time in the Library. Leilah helps students in the Library very efficiently and pleasantly. I am so fortunate that she is volunteering, since many days I am running the library on my own. I would love for the school to recognize the time she puts in to help the students and staff here at Bonita.
Nominated by Jo Ann LaManna
Activities: Alexis S.
Alexis has matured tremendously from his freshman/sophomore year as a student and individual. He went from coming late to school every day to never missing and maintaining his grades. On top of his academic responsibilities/senior project he also works two part time jobs to assist his family. Alexis plans on pursuing a career as a firefighter/paramedic when he graduates Bonita. Alexis embodies all the characteristics of a Bearcat. It has been a pleasure for me seeing Alexis grow and mature into a responsible young man!