Bearcat Daily Bulletin
Friday, September 28, 2018
Students dismissed at 2:35 PM
STUDENTS- We will announce when payment for CSF is due. Ms. Horine in the Finance Office will not accept payments for CSF until the posted time.
PARENTS OF SENIORS-If you would like to purchase ad space for your senior in this year’s yearbook, please visit the Bonita High School website and click the “parents” tab or visit for more information. Early bird pricing is until Tuesday, November 6th and space is limited.
PARENTS- We do not accept drop off/forgotten items in the front office. If you need to get an item to your Student, please coordinate with your child to meet in the Office during break or lunch. We will not be able to make exceptions. We appreciate your understanding.
STUDENTS- The following schools will be visiting the Career Center this week. Please sign up with Mrs. O’Grady’s sub, Ms. Mireles-Torres if you are interested in attending their presentation. Keep your eye out for fliers with the list of schools coming for the month.
Monday, October 1st– Cal Poly Pomona; 7th
Tuesday, October 2nd– University of the Pacific; 6th & Whitworth University; 7th. Marines will be on campus for lunch.
Wednesday, October 3rd– Arizona State University; 7th
Thursday, October 4th– Grand Canyon University; 6th
STUDENTS- After school tutoring is now available Monday through Thursdays until 3:45 and Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 6pm-7. For more information please see Ms. Mireles-Torres in the Career Center.
STUDENTS- Please see Ms. Mireles-Torres in the Career Center to pick up work permits, tutor applications and sign up for college presentations during intervention and lunch.
BHS BLOOD DRIVE- We will be hosting a City of Hope blood drive on Tuesday, October 30th from 1:00pm-7:00pm in the Student Union. You can sign up online at Use the code: BHSL
GIRLS SOCCER- will have a meeting after school at 2:35 PM at field 2 today, September 28th.
GIRLS SOCCER- If you are interested in trying out for soccer this year, your physical must be on file and cleared with the athletic office before the end of the month.
BOYS SOCCER- Attention all current and returning players. We will be having our annual general meeting on Thursday,October 4th from 6:30pm-8pm in the Old Gym at BHS. One parent from each family is expected to attend. Documents will be sent home with your child the last week in September for you to complete and bring to the meeting. Any questions, please email .us.
Please refer to the Bonita High School athletic site for all Sports Schedules and Athletic updates: