Bearcat Daily Bulletin 8-22-2018

Bearcat Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Students released at 2:35 PM


STUDENTS-If any student did not pick up their books or received the wrong book, please come to the library at break, lunch, or after school. Make sure any books that need to be returned to the library are taken care of this week.

STUDENTS- In order to be approved for a lunch pass you must be cleared by the finance office, library, and have a 2.00 GPA. Students who do not meet one or all of these requirements will be unable to receive a lunch pass.

STUDENTS- BHS will be a closed campus from August 22th thru August 30th. No Students will be allowed off campus until August 30th with the appropriate pass. We thank you in advance for your understanding.

STUDENTS- Parking permits will be issued the second week of school. Those Students who have filled out an application for a parking permit will be permitted to park until they receive an approved parking permit.

JUNIORS AND SENIORS- SAT & ACT prep classes are offered this Fall at BHS.   BHS and Kaplan test prep are offering prep classes here at Bonita High School to prepare for Fall SAT and ACT exams.  Deadline to register for the SAT class is August 28th. Deadline to register for the ACT class is September 18th. For complete course schedules and how to register pick up a flyer at the front desk.

STUDENTS- Mrs. Sekhri is looking for Teacher aides for Periods 3 and 4. Please see her in room 906 at break or lunch if you are interested.

STUDENTS- Mr. Dukowsky is looking for Teacher aide help this year.  Please see him in room 502.



PARENTS- Back to School Night will be Monday, August 27th from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM.

PARENTS- We do not accept drop off/forgotten items in the front office. If you need to get an item to your Student, please coordinate with your child to meet in the Office during break or lunch. We will not be able to make exceptions. We appreciate your understanding.



STUDENTS- Any student who received a work permit last school year or over the summer and is STILL WORKING needs to RENEW their work permit before THIS FRIDAY, August 24th before it expires. See Mrs. O’Grady in the Career Center during 5th or lunch.



SCHOOL DRESS WEEK- Join us in showing your school spirit this first week back Bearcats! See the dress schedule below-

Western Wednesday

Aloha Thursday

Green Out Friday

CLUBS- If you are interested in starting a Club or renewing a Club, please pick up the club packet from the ASB room in 704.  Club packets must be completed and turned in on Thursday, August 23 to the ASB Room. Club Rush will be held on Wednesday, August 30th during lunch.


Please refer to the Bonita High School athletic site for all Sports Schedules and Athletic updates: