Bearcat Daily Bulletin
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Friday, November 10, 2017; Veteran’s Day, No School
STUDENTS- The Finance Office will be closed today Thursday, November 9th and Friday, November 17th. If you have a payment due to the Finance Office on one of these days, please make the arrangements to pay before or after these days when normal hours resume. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.
STUDENTS AND PARENTS- We do not accept drop off/forgotten items in the front office. If you need to get an item to your Student, please coordinate with your child to meet in the Office during break or lunch. See the attached bell schedule for times.
PARENTS- Thanksgiving Break will be observed from Monday, November 20th thru Friday, November 24th. School will resume on Monday, November 27th. November 27th will also be a compact day, students will be released at 1:35 PM.
PARENTS OF SENIORS- If you would like to submit a yearbook dedication for your senior please visit Or the school website under the parent tab. Pricing and page sizes are available online via that website. Please select Bonita High School and enter our phone number, 909-971-8220. Don’t delay, as space is limited.
2nd Annual Bonita Baseball Golf Tournament- Boy’s Baseball will be hosting our annual golf tournament on Saturday, December 9th at San Dimas Canyon Golf Course. Please come and enjoy a nice day of golf and support our Bearcats! Please see the attached flyer for details. Flyers are also available at the front desk with Mrs. Venegas.
FALL UP 5K RUN/WALK-The Wrestling Team is hosting their 8th annual “Fall Up 5K Run/Walk” on Saturday, November 11th. We will be starting at Heritage Park and finishing at Lowell Brandt Park. Pre-registration price is $25 and is payable to the Finance Office with Mrs. Lohman. You can pay at the start of the race on the day of for $30. If you would like to join us for a team/family BBQ afterwards, the cost is an extra $5. Registration is at 7-8:30 AM on the day of and the race will begin at 9:00 AM, sharp! You can get a registration form from one of the wrestlers or pick one up in the front office.
STUDENTS- If you are interested in seeing any of the following College Representatives, please sign up with Mrs. O’Grady in the Career Center:
Thursday, November 9th– The Marines
Monday, November 13th– JROTC (Junior Reserves Officers’ Training Corps) Scholarship informational meeting
Wednesday, November 15th– Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR)
Wednesday, November 29th– Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO)
FIELD HOCKEY- The banquet will be held at Sierra La Verne Country Club tonight, November 9th at 6 PM.
BOYS BASEBALL- will be holding tryouts on Monday, December 11th– Friday, December 15th from 2:45 PM- 4 PM on the Varsity Baseball field.
GIRLS SOCCER- will have a Parent meeting tonight, Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30 PM in room 304 for all athletes that made the team.
BOYS WATER POLO- banquet will be Friday, November 17th at Hillcrest in La Verne. Tickets are $25 per person, including players, and is payable to Mrs. Lohman in the Finance Office.
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL– banquet will be on Tuesday, November 28th at 6 PM at Mountain Meadows Golf Course. Tickets are $22 per Family member or guest and are available for purchase in the Finance Office with Mrs. Lohman.
GIRLS SOFTBALL- tryouts will begin Tuesday, November 14th-Thursday, November16th, 3:00 at Las Flores park.
Please refer to the Bonita High School athletic site for all Sports Schedules and Athletic updates: