2017 Baccalaureate Poem by Anders Voss

The Sleeping Place of the Little One

Bonita High Baccalaureate Poem
Written by Anders Voss on June 4th, 2017

I remember when you,
Before you understood the circumstances of life itself
Would sleep restlessly,
Calling out for the attention of those who brought you into this world
You yearn for your freedom,
But be patient, little one, revel in the hours when I keep you protected from the worries of the
outside realm
For the day will come when you will get tangled in the vines of others’ lives,
And only then will you see, that these guardrails you resent now were quite pleasant indeed…

I remember when you,
Before you understood the swiftness of time itself
Would sleep restlessly,
Excitedly awaiting the several month arrival of the summertime
You yearn for your freedom,
But be still, little one, relish in the moments when I gently prod you awake as the morning light
seeps in through your side window
“Too early!” you protest, but I tell you that the day will come when childhood will depart
And only then will you see, that the friends that were once all around you, aren’t…

You are growing up, little one!
Your feet dangle past the reaches of my frame
You sleep restlessly, as your freedom is here!
But be steady, little one, savor the final minutes of this journey, before the next one commences As my blankets can only serve as a temporary refuge from the struggles outside
For the day has come, for you to walk out the door, and be my little one, no more…