The Bearcat Way

Bonita High School has a long history of excellence and the members of our learning community work hard to create an environment were all students have the opportunities to excel. The effectiveness of this goal can be best be expressed through the words of our community leaders, parents, students, teachers and staff.

Don Kendrick, Mayor City of La Verne

I attended Bonita High School beginning in the Fall of 1962 and graduated in the Spring of 1966.  It was an almost new campus with students from both La Verne and San Dimas.  Sports consisted of opportunities for boys with girls only participation was a GAA (Girls Athletic Association) program, but very limited.  All students entering Bonita came from  K-8th and was a shock to most of us.  Today, Bonita is a school with successes in all areas.  Academic, Sports and the Arts.  Senior projects by students, that when I have had the opportunity to judge, have overwhelmed me with the maturity of our high school seniors.  The level of quality in Bonita today is far superior to the Bonita of my day.  Our community is proud of the accomplishments of our students.  It is also proud of the community service our youth give back to our community in helping to make La Verne the fine community we live in today.

Charlie Rosales Retired, Pasadena Police Department La Verne City Councilman

Bonita High School provides a variety of experiences for our young people in a safe and secure environment. The learning process is all encompassing and our students are well prepared for their future.

Robin Carder, La Verne City Councilwoman

As a past School Board Member and now as a City Council member, I have watched Bonita High School achieve outstanding standards in Education, student achievement and community involvement. BHS stands in the central area of our city and everyone shares in the pride of having this great High School in our community.  The clubs and athletic teams continuously are involved in community events and fundraising activities.   Their senior projects are a great way to get more community involvement as we look forward to mentoring and/or judging their final presentations.

Wayne Hurley, LUTCF Solutions Insurance and Financial Services Board Member La Verne Chamber of Commerce

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Bonita High School as a parent, served as Treasurer for the Bonita Boosters, and now as a Board Member for the La Verne Chamber of Commerce.  Bonita’s dedication to both the students of La Verne and the community of La Verne is astounding.  The staff and administration go to great lengths to help the students, the student-athlete, and the business community thrive in La Verne.  It has been a sincere pleasure working with Bonita High School to help grow and improve our community.

Donna Redman, La Verne City Councilwoman Bonita Parent

Bonita is a school that puts their students first.  I have witnessed this from the faculty all the way up to top administration.  Through the City, I work with many members of the Bonita High School Family and each one of them has our community’s student’s best interests at heart.  They all provide support, encouragement, praise and recognition.  All students are treated equally, whether they excel in academics, athletics, visual and performing arts and extracurricular activities.  If they are struggling personally or academically and need a bit of extra support and TLC the staff is there to support them.  Bonita High School is the epitome of an exemplary school, providing a supportive learning environment led by highly effective, caring faculty and staff.