Bonita High School Presents The Tempest by William Shakespeare
"In the heart of the storm, no one escapes destiny." Bonita High School is proud to present The … [Read More...]
This week you will have only one Desmos assignment, and next week you will not be assigned anything!!
It will be some review questions of past topics.
Assignments for the WEEK of 5/25:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy,
Mr. Cisneros
Period 2:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
BXAHJ4 (Desmos Activity #1)
RYNCVS (Desmos Activity #2)
M647ST (Desmos Activity #3)
Period 4:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
446V46 (Desmos Activity #1)
2NJSVG (Desmos Activity #2)
D8YYKE (Desmos Activity #3)
Period 6:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
4WU2NN (Desmos Activity #1)
48TSSP (Desmos Activity #2)
CYVRDS (Desmos Activity #3)
Period 7:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
KWNJNX (Desmos Activity #1)
X5BDYB (Desmos Activity #2)
JCKUAQ (Desmos Activity #3)
I hope everyone is enjoying a nice holiday today!!
This week you will have "three" Desmos activities.
1) The first one is related to "Sequences" where you will be doing a "card sort" for sequences.
2) The second one is related to a new topic/concept called "The Intermediate Value Theorem" and it will be a concept that comes up again in Calculus.
3) The last one will be an introduction and related to another concept called "Limits and Continuity" and it comes up in Calculus during the 1st part of the class and continues throughout the course.
Also, there will be no assignments for you next week!!
I hope you are staying safe and healthy,
Mr. Cisneros
This week you will have only one Desmos activity.
It will have some review questions from past topics with some related YouTube videos, and I will provide the answers next week for the assigned problems, so that you can go back and compare your answers.
Assignments for the WEEK of 5/18:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy,
Mr. Cisneros
Period 2:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
FT3Q46 (Desmos Activity #1)
VF9MB4 (Desmos Activity #2)
Period 4:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
HCAAPG (Desmos Activity #1)
689ZFP (Desmos Activity #2)
Period 6:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
S8TCE8 (Desmos Activity #1)
J7TZAE (Desmos Activity #2)
Period 7:
Go to student.desmos.com and type in:
R7RWZ5 (Desmos Activity #1)
EWC45K (Desmos Activity #2)
This week you will have "two" Desmos activities.
1) The first one is related to "Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series Topics" where you watch some provided videos and "Drag and Drop" pictures of your notes for credit.
2) The second one is a review of many various topics that you have covered in this class and previous classes.
Also, I have attached a snapshot of the worked-out-solutions from last week's "Verifying Trigonometric Identities" #25-30 for you to compare your solutions.
I hope you are staying safe and healthy,
Mr. Cisneros